Our 2025 priorities including helping families
gain access to the benefits they deserve and
helping more 9th graders find success.
We look forward to partnering with individuals and or organizations that have a focus in these areas and a commitment to advancing the promise and potential of kids and families who have traditionally not had access to opportunity. We always highly encourage those new to Gary and those doing work aligned to the proposal focus areas to consider applying.
Today, more than $500M in public benefits go unclaimed in Colorado each year. These are taxpayer dollars, allocated by policymakers, that never reach the families who need them most. So why is so much money left on the table? This is the question Gary, in partnership with county agencies, seeks to better understand. Gary invites county human services departments committed to improving family benefit utilization to join a cohort of aligned peers, each setting individual goals, in a combined effort to unlock millions in unclaimed benefits. We anticipate awarding four counties $100,000 each, disbursed over a 24-month term.
This RFP is now closed. Finalists will be notified no later than Mar. 14th and may be asked for an interview or additional information the week of Mar. 17. All applicants will be notified of final decisions by April 2, 2025, pending final Gary Board approval in late March.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Julie Stone or Jill Hawley.
Ninth grade is the “make or break” year for high school students. If students succeed in passing their classes in 9th grade, their chances of high school graduation increase dramatically. Fortunately, there is ample evidence about how to set up 9th grade systems of support for students; and Colorado has many of the ingredients (legislation, state support, and strong technical assistance providers) needed to support school districts with implementing these systems. Our opportunity is to scale these systems, moving them from “new to normal.” Gary is seeking organizations or individuals interested in serving as a 9th Grade Success Champion for Colorado with the goal of significantly expanding 9th grade success systems across the state. We anticipate awarding one organization/individual $150,000/year over two years.
This RFP is now closed. Applications will be reviewed until April 4, 2025. Applicants may be asked for additional information during the review process, which could include interviews and/or site visits. All applicants will be notified of their candidacy on April 4 by 5:00 p.m. MT, with the award pending final Gary Board approval in late April.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Cheri Wrench or Jill Hawley.
In addition to specific requests for grant proposals, we welcome the opportunity to connect with organizations engaged in aligned work at any time. Please feel free to reach out to the contacts below.
Share Your Ideas
I would like to see business people try to solve social problems with the same imagination and energy they use to finance a factory or make a deal. Don’t call it philanthropy; call it corporate social investment. Make it integral to business.