Where key solutions don’t yet exist we build them right alongside the kids and families in our community.
In business, we learn that a viable industrial economy requires capital investment. Likewise, our society requires sustained social investment to remain vital as we go about our daily business.”
Sam GaryGary Community Ventures Founder
If there’s a need that’s not being met or a challenge that requires a new way of thinking, we’ll work right alongside the kids and families in our community, and gather the right mix of partners and resources to pilot a new venture together. Gary’s Venture Lab is where new ideas become a reality. Our goal is to take ideas at their earliest stage and pilot them with smaller audiences in order to shape them into ventures that can deliver impact for even more kids and families across the state. Members of our technology team also partner with stakeholders to test and scale ventures where technology is a key factor of success.
Piloting new ventures is not new for us, as our founders, Sam and Nancy Gary, have been pioneers in building some of Colorado’s most transformational for-profit and nonprofit solutions know today as the Denver Preschool Program, Tax Help Colorado, the Urban Land Conservancy, and most recently, COVIDCheck Colorado.
Discover the new ventures we’ve helped build.
Discover New Possibilities
Together, we will create the change our community wants to see. Whether you want to discover more about our ventures, or connect with a member of our team, we want to hear from you.